General Laboratory Supplies
Crib Wires, modified arrowhead4 sizes. Premolars and molars, large or small, packets of ten.Magnus Metal Backings with TagsWelded and soldered. Canine, lateral, central. Each type large or medium.Preformed ClaspsHalf round. Large, medium, small and extra small.Magnus Metal GauzeStainless steel mesh sheets : CoarseMedium Fine Extra fine Magnus Metal SheetsThickness : 0.006"0.016" 0.021" 0.030" Perforated PlateStainless steel - 6" x 3", 0.010"Brass PegsFor die model locationMegallium T-Shaped Roach ClaspsCast, for right or left side.AbrasivesRubber cylinders and wheels. Cut off discs and 1/8" shank mounted cylinders and inverted cone stones.MandrelsFor rubber wheels and cylinders, 3/32" shanks.Calico Mops4" x 1/2" - 'swansdown' cotton, soft-fine, semi-stiff, or stiff.Felt ConesLarge - 1 3/4" x 7/8" diaMedium - 1 1/2" x 3/4" dia Small - 1 1/8" x 5/8" dia Extra small - 1" x 1/2" dia Also Available ...Files - in six grades from extra rough to very fineFretsaw blades - fine and medium Magnus metal cusps - molar and premolar Polishing compounds - for stainless steel, gold and plastics Soft metal - for reliefs, 0.016" and 0.010" thick Stone plasters -
Strengtheners - spiral Magnus metal, medium, thick and thin types Wires - stainless steel, all gauges Wax - dental modelling pink, inlay blue |