Attenborough Dental Service Catalogue

We offer a wide range of services for many specialist healthcare requirements. Browse the catalogue below for further details. [Click on an image to enter catalogue]
Megallium castings, applications techniques and full upper bases.
Expert Crown & Bridgework services. Attachments and techniques explained.
From plastic dentures to complex structures combined with assorted other materials.
Treatment consultancy, traction device design and manufacture.
Stainless steel bases and clasps manufactured using time-honoured techniques.
Specialist manufacture services for your custom requirements. Using specialist materials like Megallium and Viscoform.
Cad-cam design and milling services:
Precident System
or Procera System
Priority manufacture and delivery of our products.
Express manufacture and delivery of our products.
Professional protection for teeth on the sports field.
A unique one-stop solution, from sales, through support, to lab services.


| Cobalt Chrome | Crown & Bridge | Plastics | Orthodontics | Magnus Metal | Specialist Services |
| Cad-Cam Services | Express Service | Mouthguards | Implants |